Monthly Archives: October 2011

Farmstand: Friday, November 4

Before daylight savings comes along to ruin our lives, I’m going to have one last Pop-farm stand! No, don’t congratulate me yet: I still don’t have my conditional use permit from the city of Oakland as they are still dotting the “i”s and crossing the GhostTown Ts. But in the meantime, I guess it’s ok for me to sell a little veg.

It’s also my way of kicking off the Community Food Security Collation’s 15th annual conference which is being held in…Oakland! If you want to attend the conference, go here. It’s running November 5-8, but you can sign up for individual days. Please, conference attendees, feel free to come by the farm and hang out. I’ll build a fire in the cob oven and we can circle the wagons. But don’t expect a rager: I go to bed early these days, what with the growing baby and all…

Rain cancels!
When: November 4, 4pm-dark
Where: GT Farm, SW corner of 28th and MLK Way
What: Dino kale, salad greens, braising mix, last of the tomatoes, herbs, GT tshirts–all for sale
What else: Duck viewing

Hope to see you there, this will probably be the last one of the year….