Monthly Archives: May 2014

Urban Farm Tour, June 7

I’m humbled and honored to be part of the Institute of Urban Homesteading‘s annual Urban Farm Tour this year. Every year, Ruby connects urban farms (and their farmers) with people who are interested in learning more about urban farming in the East Bay. Here’s the description of the event:

Come see what established home-scale urban farmers are up to and what is possible on a small. medium, large, or extra large urban lot.

You will see fruit & vegetable gardens, composting systems, rabbits, goats, bees, greywater and more, plus you will get to sample some of what these urban farmers are producing..

How it Works
Join our mailing list at and we’ll send you details the week before the event. Once you have the locations, plan your itinerary and bike, drive or walk yourself there. Visit as many of the sites as you have time or interest for.

Guided tours with tasting and Q & A are lead by the farmers once per hour on the hour . Each tour lasts about 45 minutes.

10am-4pm, last tour at 3pm

It’s going to be a blast. You can either buy advanced tickets or pay as you go at each site (it’s $5/site).

Advanced Tickets can be bought here:

I think I’ll be doing a homemade sauerkraut demo, and will have carrots and honey to taste. Tell yer friends–it’s going to be really fun.

Work Day is On

Howdy folks, work day is on for this Saturday, 10-1pm. If you’re coming, bring some gloves, water and a sun hat–it gets scorching out there. We’ll do a tour around 10:15, then I’ll talk a little about chicken coop clean up, planting, and weeding, which we will be doing! I’m hoping to make some snacks from my friend Bryant Terry’s new, amazing book, Afro-Vegan: Farm Fresh African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavors Remixed. Holy yum. I’m on this caffeine-, dairy-, and wheat-free diet and it’s killing me. But Bryant’s book makes it bearable.