Monthly Archives: June 2013

Summer Calendar of Events

Hiya! So in the interest of getting organized and getting the word out, here’s a list of events at Ghost Town Farm this summer and into fall. Note that I will have a pumpkin patch this year–probably about 30 pumpkins for kids (and adults) to harvest for Halloween. I’ll also continue to have honey extraction demos. I might do a class or two in the future–let me know what you’d like to learn (chickens? cheesemaking? jam-making? canning tomatoes?)!

July 5: Farm Stand. Fresh produce for sale! Honey extraction demo. 5pm-7pm
July 6: Open farm day. Tours on the hour (10:15, 11:15, 12:15), mulberry tasting, produce for sale! 10am-1pm

August 2: Farm Stand. Fresh produce for sale! 5pm-7pm

September 28: Open farm day. Tours (10:15, 11:15, 12:15), fresh produce for sale! 10am-1pm

October 4: Pumpkin patch and farm stand. Fresh produce for sale! Honey extraction demo. 4pm-6pm
October 5: Pumpkin patch and open farm day. Tours (10:15, 11:15, 12:15). Fresh produce for sale, pick a pumpkin for Halloween. 10am-1pm

Where: All events will be held at 28th street and Martin Luther King Jr Way, Oakland

Sunday workday canceled

Seems like Sundays aren’t working for people. I’ll just do far stands and tours for the summer. Check back next week for the new sked.

First Friday

Ok, maybe this is a bad idea. But here we go. I’m going to have my first farmstand since the whole City of Oakland debacle. Do you remember that time? Was it really 2011? And there I was selling rabbit pot pies and chai made with…goat milk? Yes. And then the city came to me and said: you can’t grow produce or raise animals on this commercially zoned lot without a conditional use permit. And I was pregnant and so hormonal. Then you! you! dear readers came to my rescue and donated enough money for me to get a conditional use permit. The smallest donation was 50 cents. The largest $300. Thank you you good people. Then it took the city about a year to finalize everything and I had the permit in my hands but I was by then deep deep in motherhood, the kind that was all-sapping, and no-sleeping.

But now Frannie’s 18 months old, the garden is busting, and honestly, that beehive needs to have some of its honey taken away or I’m in for a swarm. And it’s Oakland First Friday art night. So join me…

When: Friday June 7, 5-7pm
Where: Martin Luther King Jr Way & 28th Street (look for the abandoned building, the street names fell off the stop sign. Well, it was knocked off by a car, I think, because the stop sign is bent and the street names landed in the garden–where they are now being used as a sort of decoration. Until the city needs it back. Let me know, guys, OK?)
What: Farmstand selling rhubarb, carrots, beets, beans, herbs, and books (signed copy of Farm City for Father’s Day gift?)
What else: Honey harvest! I’m going to pull some frames and show people how to extract honey.

See ya Friday. If you donated money for my permit, let me know, and I’ll give you a hug.

Sunday work day: Yes!

9-11am tomorrow (June 2).
663 28th street (the sign fell off, though, so just start looking once you see the abandoned building).

we will be pulling weeds!

oh–and the farmstand on friday will be at this same location. should be fun, i’ll do a full post in the next few days.