Monthly Archives: August 2010

Back in the Saddle

My butt is so glad not to be on a cross country roadtrip anymore.

My heart is feeling otherwise. I think it’s hard to get back and have work-work to do when I would rather:

1. Clean up the dead-ish garden after being inspired by the amazing urban farms I saw in Detroit (more on that later) and the rural farms in West Virginia.

2. Rearrange my apartment which somehow now seems tiny and horribly cluttered after living in a car and cooking on the same cast iron pan for the last three weeks.

3. Take a bath.

But I have deadlines and obligations. Some of which are very cool. Like…

1. Doing an auctioned item as a fundraiser for La Cocina. I’ve pledged to do an urban farming house-call, followed by a dumpling eating contest. Auction ends August 26!! Click here for details.

2. The Eat Real Festival this weekend where I’ll be peddling produce with Abeni and Nicole Lobue will be serving that produce chopped, cooked, dressed, and anoited. This goes down Saturday, August 28 10:30-5, in Jack London Square where the Borders used to be. Sunday, Abeni and I will be teaching a chicken cull and rooster processing class. Yes, killing and cleaning. Here’s the link to buy a ticket. Three of my oldest girls are going down.

3. Back to work at the Biofuel Oasis, which, since I’ve been gone has acquired bunch of cool new urban homesteading wares like kraut crocks, organic cheese cloth, and cover crop seeds. Of course I’ll spend all the money I make there buying the cool new stuff. I’ll be teaching a goat/cheesemaking class on Sunday, October 17.

Anyway, it’s good to be back. And damn, it’s so hot my tomatoes might just ripen….